Homeschool Heaven – HEAV 2009

When it comes to homeschool conferences, the Homeschool Educators Association of Virginia would be hard to top.  This past weekend our family enjoyed spending time attending seminars and gathering curriculum in the exhibition hall with several thousand fellow home educators.  It was encouraging to see the numbers of families that are committed to educating their children in a family environment.  It was also good to see some of our church members and friends who were also attending. 

My friend Jeff Riddle (whom I’m apparently stalking) attended several sessions  that I “happened” to attend.  We both had the opportunity to sit in on many of the same sessions.  He has a good synopsis of some of the many sessions that were available for Friday and Saturday.

Voddie Baucham was this year’s keynote speaker.  In his first address, Voddie’s key Bible verse was from the last part of Luke 6:40- “…but everyone who is perfectly (fully) trained will be like his teacher.”  This scripture has huge implications.  It implies that whoever is teaching our children will have a tremendous influence on them.  It also causes me to think of the responsibility I have to be a responsible teacher.  My children will reflect me and their mother when it is all said and done.  When they are fully trained, what kind of worldview will they hold? 

Focusing on worldview, Baucham shared some statistics from a study on Christian youth and those inflluencing them:

  • Less than 10% actually posses a biblical worldview.
  • Only 50% of pastors actually have a biblical worldview.
  • 85% of church youth are moral relativists.
  • Only 5% were biblically literate enough to be called “Christian.”

Too many stats were given to take down, but I assume that some are listed in one of his books.  The point was that churches and parents are having little influence on the worldview of their children.

Baucham went on to share the stats on those with a Christian worldview:

  • 11 times less likely to condone adultery
  • 15 times less likely to believe homosexuality is acceptable.
  • 18 times less likely to condone drunkeness.
  • 31 times less likely to condone premarital cohabitation. 
  • 100 times less likely to endorse abortion.

Baucham went on to make the connection to scriptures that speak to the sanctification of  the mind.  Romans 12:2- “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing our your mind.”  ICor. 10:2-6-“..bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…”  Ephesians 4:17-..”no longer walk as the rest of the gentiles walk in the futility of their mind.”

Both of Baucham’s keynotes dealt with Christian worldview and apologetics.  I found both of these to be helpful but with one caveat question: could it be possible to have a “Christian worldview” and not be a Christian?  I understand the scope of Voddie’s addresses limits him, but I believe that there is always a need to point out that ultimately, the Christian mind is only made possible with true spiritual conversion or else you have created a Pharisee.  That is the ultimate aim in all of our instruction and training- conversion of the heart that in turn will lead to renewal of the mind.

Voddie also lead a breakout session that delt with the father’s role in training children.  It was excellent advice based on the Old Testament and New Testament models.  His recent book, “What He Must Be,  if He wants to marry my daughter” is based on the material he shared in this session.  Get the book.

Many of the sessions I attended (too numerous to mention) were helpful in considering my role as a father and an educator.

Published by travishilton

Husband, Father, Pastor, Follower of Christ

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